One on One Consultations
What are you looking to accomplish? Are you looking to grow? As a coach I will help you understand and develop the plans that you have set for yourself. I will help you towards the unique path that God has created for you. Together, we will build attainable goals which are focused on your purpose. If you are ready to walk in purpose, schedule your session below. There is nothing outside of your reach. Be intentional and cultivate.
Mercy Mentor’s Me
Become a Damsel’s Coach / Become a Mentor
- Are you looking to become a leader?
- Do you have a passion to see people grow?
- Do you want to impact?
- Are you a builder?
- Are you willing to share your skills, wisdom, knowledge and experience?
- Are you a positive role model?
- Are you teachable?
If so, then this is the program for you. This program will challenge and shift you into purpose. You will learn what it means to be a steward and how to help people find their purpose.
By Appointment only
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